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Where Learning Has No Boundaries

Polaris Charter Academy

Where Learning Has No Boundaries

Polaris Charter Academy

Where Learning Has No Boundaries

Polaris Charter Academy

Board Minutes 5.29.13

Polaris Charter Academy

Board Meeting Agenda

May 29, 2013

Board Topic: Polaris Budget Update

Meeting: 6:30   Conference call

Dial In Number –  (610) 214 0000

Access Code          316557#

Board Members:  Darren Snyder, Sarah Walker, Greg Borkowski, Mick Domagala, Uday Khedkar, Marion Meers-Rice, Travis Swoope, Michelle Navarre, Keecia Broy, Susan Kajiwara-ansai, Dr. Kameron Matthews, Helen Wolfe

School Leaders: Michelle Navarre (Head of School), Carol Clavadetscher, Roel Vivit

Uday called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Uday made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 12th board meeting. Michelle seconded the motion.

State of the School

Michelle shared with the board that Expeditionary Learning is considering having Polaris 7th grade students deliver the Keynote Address at the EL National Conference in October 2013, focusing on the Peacekeeper project. The honor of the Keynote Address is typically bestowed upon high school students.

Michelle invited board members to participate in a series of opportunities in early June, including each grades’ Celebration of Learning and Passages for 4th and 6th grade students.

Polaris has not yet received ISAT results.

Committee Reports                                                                       


Carol shared that no funding updates have been provided by CPS at this time, nor have they provided a time frame in which the information will be communicated.

Carol shared that the Crown grant had been approved for $50,000 for 2014-2015.

Carol provided a high-level financial update:

April 30th cash balance = $934,425

  • Year to date spending is approx. $164,000 favorable to plan, driven primarily by decision to opt out of CPS facility fee and timing.
  •  Revenue to date is $180,000 unfavorable, driven by fundraising timing and shortfall ($100,000) and timing of SGSA/Title I/Special Ed reimbursement ($80,000). BOY forecast is $76,000 favorable to budget.
  • Fundraising target per budget = $260,000. YTD actuals = $184,000 (includes May actuals from event and Crown Grant). Significant increase from prior report.


The board reviewed the decision to terminate Jamie Samsel. The decision was made on March 14th and based on the determination that her skill set required for the position was broader than she had demonstrated. Her benefits and pay were extended through April 15th.

BBB Event was a huge success! Over 150 guests attended the event, netting over $52,000! Gross proceeds from the event was $17,000 (33%) greater than last year.

Michelle and Carol met with Laurus Strategies on Monday, May 20th to discuss potential partnership for Polaris development.

Carol shared that the Walton Grant was submitted for $250,000 for the expansion of middle school. Michelle and Roel will be participating in an interview on June 13th. In addition, Polaris has applied for the Healthy Corridors grant submitted for $20,000 to support and expand our nutrition initiatives. The decision date is June 17th.


Sarah shared that several potential board candidates had been identified/introduced at the Bites, Bubbles, Bees event, including Ed Bosowski (Uday), Tom Knight/Alicia Sams (Sarah), and Paul Carlisle (Darren). The respective board members are working through Carol to further engage interest and identify the next steps through the board recruitment/governance process.

Sarah also share that Audrey George from Horizons for Youth has offered her counsel in enhancing the Polaris board membership. Finally, Jacqueline Nyenke has joined the Governance Committee to help move forward the development of exit packages, board self-evaluations, and the Governance 101 audit.

Academic Excellence – No report

New Business and Calendar Review

Uday reminded board members that the Budget Review (assuming CPS has communicated information) will be held on Tuesday, June 25th as a conference call, beginning at 5:30pm. A preliminary board meeting calendar will be reviewed at the meeting as well.

Uday moved to close the meeting at 7:20pm; Michelle seconded the motion.


Tuesday, June 25th (Conference Call)

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Board Minutes 5.29.13